personal growth

The Four Paths: Which One Are You Walking?

If you are reading this, then it is very possible that you have come to a crossroads. The only question is: upon which road were you walking? And is it the one that will ultimately lead you to happiness? In the words of the great American poet, Robert Frost, “Yet knowing how way leads on

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To Be or Not to Be: Respond versus React to Slay COVID’s Slings and Arrows

“To be or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache

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What L.I.F.E. Really Is and How to Snap Out of It

How ironic it is that we are all seeking to have some degree of control and yet at the same time constantly giving our real control, the only control we ever had, away. This is our struggle of existence. But in our desperate daily doings to survive we are readily and greedily accepting ideas that

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Are You Living With Ghosts?

Maybe you don’t believe in ghosts. But they believe in you. We are all living in ghost stories that we have created ourselves … with cadaverous characters who inhabit M.O.L.E.’s we forged years ago. If you are already walking The North Path, then perhaps you no longer believe in these ghosts. But they still believe

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Are You Drowning Out the All-Important Voice Within?

It seems in our modern, chaotic world, most of us have learned to hear, rather than to listen. But the voice of The North Path cannot be heard; it can only be listened to. And to really listen, one must learn how to turn down the volume of the “Me.” How does one accomplish this?

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Are You Really an Adult? The “Me” to “I” Metamorphosis

We would all like to think that we are all fully-functional, independent, emotionally healthy adults living happy and productive lives… that our childhoods are over. But although we may look like adults on the outside, in emotional-psychological terms, many of us are still children. But our personal growth, the freedom of our true selves, our

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What if the Problem is You? Choosing the Right Exemplar for Self-Improvement

I know, I know … what you’re thinking is: It’s not me. How, on earth, could the problem be me? What did I ever do to anyone? Little poor ole me? I’m just a good person trying to coordinate the erratic ebb of existence!  Maybe you are a good person. And you may be quite

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The First Step to True Self-Awareness: Recognizing “I” versus “Me”

It will never cease to astonish me how the “I,” like the very tips of our noses, goes so unnoticed in the everyday actions of the world in which we live, as well as in the core ideas which it amasses and with which it, like ocean water via eons turning sweet water brackish, indoctrinates

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